26 June 2013

Holy Reverie: 26 June 2013

Holy Reverie is the weekly clergy column in Calvary's electronic newsletter, the e-Pistle.  Subscribe today!

My family and I recently returned from our annual vacation on Holden Beach in North Carolina. Holden is practically perfect in every way - a place of sabbath to relax and be with those you love.

Holden is also practically perfect for Loggerhead Turtles and the Holden Beach Turtle Patrol encourages humans and turtles to live in harmony. From May until October, dedicated volunteers scour the beach for turtle crawls and recently laid nests. If a nest is found, it is covered with a protective grate, surrounded by caution tape and flags, and guarded until it is ready to hatch. After 50 to 70 days the nest will "boil" and in a moment of frenzy and excitement 80 to 100 baby turtles will emerge from the sand and shimmy their way into the ocean. A boil is one of nature's wonders and without the turtle patrol few would be successful.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ are not unlike the turtle patrol. We may be able to complete the tasks of life on our own, but with the help of others so much more can be accomplished. Next Sunday look around the pews at Calvary and ask yourself, "who's in my 'patrol'" - perhaps they are members of your Bible study or in the choir or in your small group or just the person who sits behind you. Or to paraphrase the turtle Crush from the movie Finding Nemo, "Who's yer buddy, dude?" With the help of community our lives can "boil" with the power of the Holy Spirit and miraculous wonders can become commonplace.

So, where do you find community at Calvary?

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